Homo Faber 3.0
Homo Faber 3.0: Appropriation of Digital Fabrication from Latin America is inspired by local challenges, vulnerable communities, and semi-peripheral geographies, from the creative strategies that drive pioneers, developers, and end-users in our region with digital fabrication, as an ally of their processes of design, in any of its forms. Homo Faber 3.0 explores the domestication, interpretation, and application of digital fabrication in the region, which stimulates the logic of technological appropriation of Homo Faber, beyond simple curiosity, automation, and personalization, to distance itself from the modest technological manipulation of Homo Fabricatus. Appropriation as a critical practice makes visible processes that create the foundations of a digital culture that establishes local agendas for other geographies, implementing technical solutions in synergy with situated ecosystems. 2022 Link.
Victor Sardenberg
Architecture and Cultural Practice