Victor Sardenberg
Dr. Victor Sardenberg is an architect and researcher. His practice and research focus on architectural design experimentation, particularly in computational aesthetics, robotic fabrication, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and speculative philosophy. In his Ph.D. thesis, he developed a computational framework for predicting aesthetic preferences using computer vision and artificial neural networks. He received a summa cum laude Ph.D. degree at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, where he taught from 2016 to 2024, and at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, where he is a visiting professor. He is also currently a professor at PUC-Minas. Previously, he has taught computational design and digital fabrication in workshops and seminars at the AA Visiting School, Aarhus Universitet, Hochschule Düsseldorf, Detmolder Schule für Gestaltung, PUC-Rio, UNICAP, UFMS, and UFRJ. He holds a post-graduate Master of Arts in architecture and urban design from the Städelschule Architecture Class, Frankfurt am Main. He collaborated with many practices, such as Gabriel Lester, SUBdV Architecture, Tobias Rehberger, Franken Architekten, Studio Campanas, and Guto Requena. Recently, he won the Best Young Researcher Prize in 2023 from the SIGraDi (Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics). vsardenberg@gmail.com Curriculum Vitae (Novermber 2021)
Victor Sardenberg
Architecture and Cultural Practice