• UFRJ Os Robôs na Arquitetura

    Watch it here. Lecture in the workshop Wood Innovation for Architecture in Brazil, held by UFRJ and SDU (Southern Denmark University). Rio de Janeiro, 2024.
  • DigitalFUTURES Talk Novos Hibridismos 2022

    Link here.
    This session, opening the DigitalFutures series in Portuguese, brings together different innovative practices within the scope of computational methodologies applied in architecture and design, where artificial intelligence, generative algorithms, parametric design, robotics manufacturing, materials science, and biomimetics are part of a repertoire hybrid. Speakers: Mariana Cabugueira, Rebeca Duque Estrada, Victor Sardenberg, Paulo Duca, Daniel Locatelli Moderator: Angelica Ponzio
    Esta sessão, ao inaugurar a série do DigitalFutures em portugues, reúne diferentes práticas inovadoras no âmbito das metodologias computacionais aplicadas em arquitetura e design, onde Inteligência artificial, algoritmos generativos, design paramétrico, fabricação robótica, ciência dos materiais e biomimética fazem parte de um repertório híbrido. Palestrantes: Mariana Cabugueira, Rebeca Duque Estrada, Victor Sardenberg, Paulo Duca, Daniel Locatelli Moderadora: Angelica Ponzio
  • Speculative Architecture – Bartlett 2021

    Watch it here. 'Speculative Design' is a roundtable seminar that discusses the meaning, impact, and applications of speculation in design. This roundtable seminar discusses the meaning, impact, and applications of speculation in design. Speculation in finance is the action taken to minimise options of the opponent, where past information is used to project multiple futures for purposes of decision-making in maximising gain. Speculative design translates principles of time complexity into design, an interdisciplinary approach that takes into consideration feedback between all possible scenarios and parameters in identifying the optimal. How can this be translated into architecture and the built environment? The seminar invites Wonseok Chae (Wuppertal University), Victor Sardenberg (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Jonathan Sutanto (Staedelschule Architecture Class) to share their experiences and visions from the German academic scene - a country with a rich history in continental philosophy and internationalism design.
  • O Solo no Capitalocentrismo 2021

    Watch it here! Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Sao Paulo - 2021
  • KATAKOMBE 2020-21

    Press Release HERE! Time: 3 different dates and timezones November 28th, 2020 + December 12th, 2021 + January 23rd, 2021 Location: Städelschule Architecture Class Zoom Room   Die Gesellschaft in den Katakomben was, according to Günter Bock, a group of enthusiastic illustrated people who got together to have “their literary or other works discussed and assessed by knowledgeable acquaintances in a convivial atmosphere”. Founded in 1849 in Frankfurt by artists, scholars, and friends, the group was co-lead by Friedrich Maximilian Hessemer, teacher at the Städelschule.   Inspired by the mood of a Salon, we propose to reinforce this tradition at our school. The Katakombe in the Winter Semester 20/21 is a series of 3 online events to get together and discuss fresh work produced by colleagues. Our event is designed to amuse our senses through images, ideas, food, and drinks and to critically assess and discuss new works and ideas. As Horace would define Poetry, “either to please or to educate”, our evenings intends to do both.
  • Ground Conditions in the Capitalocene 2019

    Lecture at the Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal. Link for the video.
  • Katakombe 2018

    Watch it here. Inspired by the mood of a Salon, I co-organized in 2018 an event at the Mensa of the Städelschule to get together and discuss fresh work produced by colleagues. Our event was designed to amuse our senses through drawings, images, ideas, food and drinks and to critically access and discuss new forms and perceptions in architecture, art, literature and dance. As Horace would define Poetry, “either to please or to educate”, our evening intends to do both. Table Hosts: Jonathan Sutanto Wu Kai Xun Victor Sardenberg Valentina Knežević Moderator: Louisa Schmitt Guests: Giacomo Pala Lucas Rehnman Till Schneider Sabine Plagemann Christina Chalupsky Giovanna Murolo Buompane Li Yi Viviane Letayf Robyn Doty Katja Cheraneva Huey Hoong Chan Bar & Drinks: Estefanía Muñoz Pascal Jung
  • The Reality is a Strange Place 2018

    Lecture "The Reality is a Strange Place" online at University of Tehran in 2018. Available here.
  • Arquitetura e Computação UniCEUB 2016

    Lecture about "Architecture and Computation" at UNICEUB, Brasília, 2016. Watch it here.
  • Design and Performance 2015

    GROHE Powered by Pecha Kucha Evening. ISH Frankfurt 2015 20 slides x 20 seconds per slide Watch it here.