  • AA Supple Pavillion 2012

    30 March – 7 April 2012 Pimpolhos da Grande Rio Escola de Samba – RIO DE JANEIRO The second stage of the Supple Pavilions workshop series will focus on the development and 1:1 fabrication of a network of interactive pavilions and related artifices.  These elements will react to sensors, creating a range of different lighting and spatial effects that will trigger further movement and produce a feedback loop of behaviour and response. To accommodate this respon­siveness, the design will be developed using parametric associative modeling, processing, arduino, and digital fabrication using the CNC and Laser Cutters.  Students can both develop completely new designs, and/or work on the evolution of the Workshop 1 Supple Pavilion project. The Visiting School will return to Pimpolhos da Grande Rio Samba School to evolve the design of the migrating Pavilions, their contents and their context, exploring a design philosophy of interactive event design and the production of a creative fusion of high-tech design generation and fabrication with low-tech redefinition of Carnival-float artisan techniques, paraphernalia, and materials.  We will work in the immense and creative Pimpolhos warehouse, collaborating with local artisans of several Samba Schools in the post-industrial, partly-derelict Porto do Rio area, (the birthplace of the Carnival and Samba), introducing digital fabrication techniques. The goal is to create interventions for micro-venues and cultural events that express the identity of the Samba culture within the `Porto Maravilha` planning.