AA Super-Living 2015
The city of São Paulo is characterized by an endless horizon of monolithic and non-descript towers. A newly instated City Master Plan promotes further vertical development by allowing for higher skyline and construction areas along public transportation corridors. Up until now, neighborhoods once characterized by two-story houses, gardens and ground- floor open shopfront programs, have been completely transformed by the introduction of fortressed monolithic residential and office towers, which lack any sort of urban street life.
This intenisive 10 days workshop focused on possible new towers typologies for São Paulo 2025. The research-driven work started from analysis of current situation on social and urban issues of São Paulo 21 million inhabitants megacity.
These analysis offered architectural opportunities to speculate on new kinds of towers, ranging from bycicle circulation schemes within a residentail building to vertical branching network neighborhood.
Directors: Franklin Lee and Anne Save de Beaurecueil - Tutors: Christian Veddeler, Adi Utama, Aurélie Hsiao, Victor Sardenberg, Alexandre Kuroda, Renata Portelada and Thomas Takeuchi.
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Victor Sardenberg
Architecture and Cultural Practice