Cape Breton Highlands National Park Gridshell
This is the fifth gridshell from the collaborative series between Dalhousie University, the University of Arizona, the University of North Carolina Charlotte, and the University of Louisiana Lafayette. Victor Sardenberg's role was in modeling, simulating, and optimizing its overall structure together with Lawrence Friesen in 2015. Parks Canada and Coastal Studio are partnering to build a nature-themed pavilion that will accommodate a range of events within the Cape Breton Highlands National Park campground site. The building, a landscape response, acts as a destination for park users. The project is located at the tip of the upper campground, adjacent to the headquarters site, and at the trailhead of the salmon pool trails. The building consists of long north and south earth berms, with a single wooden gridshell roof as the central feature. This open-air building contains programmatic elements located both underneath the roof of the structure and within the vicinity of the adjacent forest. More information here.- michaelmaclean_coastal_29
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Victor Sardenberg
Architecture and Cultural Practice