AA Supple Pavillion 2011
29/11/2011 to 02/12/2011 Extending the São Paulo High-Low Visiting School, this four-workshop programme will focus on the 1:1 fabrication design of an interactive pavilion for the 2012 International Festival of Electronic Language (F.I.L.E.). To be located along Avenida Paulista, the aim is to create an interactive and supple design, using recursive scripting, associative modelling, processing and Arduino with digital fabrication. Based on the Strings Pavilion design of the 2011 High-Low workshop, the pavilion will react to light sensors and human activity, so as to transform and create a range of different lighting and spatial effects, triggering further movement of the pavilion and producing an interactive feedback loop of behaviour and response. Each workshop will focus on a different phase of design fabrication. Participants can take part in one or more workshops, fee discounts will be given for multiple workshops. Design instruction will be led by Rob Stuart Smith of Kokuggia and Tristan Simmonds of Simmonds Studio, with Lawrence Friesen of Generative Geometry, Anne Save de Beaurecueil and Franklin Lee of SUBdV, other AA tutors, and the original Strings Pavilion design team, as well as local structural engineers and set-designers. Each workshop will offer introductory instruction in computational design (grasshopper, processing and arduino) and digital fabrication, while advanced instruction in computation and digital fabrication will be given for participants of multiple workshops.
Victor Sardenberg
Architecture and Cultural Practice