  • Supple Pavillions

    Interactive pavilion for the 2012 International Festival of Electronic Language (F.I.L.E.). To be located along Avenida Paulista, the aim is to create an interactive and supple design, using recursive scripting, associative modelling, processing and Arduino with digital fabrication. Based on the Strings Pavilion design of the 2011 High-Low workshop, the pavilion will react to light sensors and human activity, so as to transform and create a range of different lighting and spatial effects, triggering further movement of the pavilion and producing an interactive feedback loop of behaviour and response. In collaboration with Rob Stuart-Smith, Anne Save de Beaurecueil, Franklin Lee, Lawrence Friesen, Lucas De Sordi, Thomas Von Gutten, Ernesto Bueno, Helen Sakano, Julio Radesca, Loira, Gilfranco Alves, Flávia Ghirotto, Cynthia Nojimoto and dozens of AA Visiting School Students. From 2011 to 2013.